In March 2020, during the first COVID 19 containment, everything stopped but our imagination! In this suspended time, we dreamed of an ultimate loudspeaker, without compromise, capable of reproducing the entire spectrum from infra-bass to ultrasound with all the naturalness, speed and transparency that only isodynamic technology is capable of reproducing with perfect consistency. As a sign of providence, at the same time, we received a phone call from Philippe Teissier du Cros, a fabulous sound engineer who has been practicing his art for many years with our favourite musicians. We asked him to accompany us in this ambitious project, to which he responded with enthusiasm! The specifications for the diptyque reference were born out of our questions and passionate exchanges. We questioned all the existing technical solutions, and in particular to obtain powerful and controlled low frequencies down to the infra-bass. Our research and innovation work led us to develop a totally new technology that we have patented: the "Crossed Push pull". Each bass cell is driven by two independent coils (set of ribbons), one vertical and one horizontal. This exclusive technology allows the 12 µm mylar membrane to be set in vibration by hundreds of small square motors. The "crossed push-pull" technology allows to control the vibrations of the membrane without deformation. This guarantees very linear low frequencies, without distortion and with much greater efficiency than existing isodynamic systems.For the midrange section, we developed a new 20mm isodynamic ribbon that covers a wide spectrum from 600 to 7000 Hz and for the high frequency section, a super tweeter in pure aluminium of 8mm that goes beyond 40000 Hz;
Philippe Teissier du Cros https://ptdcmusic.org
"Diptyque's Reference was one of my 'sounds of High End 2022'... Jay Garrett, Stereonet.com/uk
"La qualité de fabrication est superbe et la présentation est tout bonnement magnifique. L’expérience procuré par le rendu de cet ensemble m’a laissé bouche bée. Malgré un prix pas si fou, (pour le HighEnd de Munich…). Une des meilleures écoutes du show HighEnd de Munich, et probablement, un nouveau standard de qualité dans cette zone de prix. " Jean Denis Doyle TED Magazine
"This faculty to reconcile these different parameters in a perfectly homogeneous whole constitutes the sound signature of these panels. It is also a notable advance for this
technology, which adds to the qualities of spatialization inherent in the operating principle, energy capacities that we do notdid not suspect." Vincent Cousin Diapason
Spécifications :
Type : 3.5 ways
Sensitivity : 89db /1 W /1m
Impedance : 4 Ohms
Bandwidth : 22-40000 Hz
Power Handing : 300W (recommended amplifier > 60W)
Dimensions : 1800x650x45 mm
Weight : 82kg
The information is given as an indication, D&P Audio reserves the right to modify the specifications of its products
Patent FR2200941